
help me design my tattoo


  • #2

revolting said:

'From each according to ability, to each according to need.'

Where is the equality in this statement?


  • #9

revolting said:

I don't mean to be rude, but I have that discussion [with] a lot with people, usually when I mean to, and it can go on for a bit[,] and I only came on here to have a maths-based discussion.

Are you trying to tell me that you're tired of discussing the "equality" that you perceive in the statement, and that you're not willing to engage this discussion again?

If so, then I cannot help you. I cannot write an equation without knowing what equals what.

Perhaps, it is not an equation that models this statement. Perhaps, it's an algorithm.


  • #10

revolting said:

… are there symbols for 'derision' …

Whoops, I think you mean derivation.

Heh, heh.

Derision is a noun that means (1) mockery or ridicule, as in: "The inept question elicited derision from the audience." or (2) an object of ridicule.

Mathematical functions have what are called derivative functions. We call them derivatives because they are derived from other functions. (Maybe, that is what you were thinking.)

  • #11

Check out this site: ... ngels.html

I don't know if it'll help or not but, at least, it may be an interesting read.

It's certainly none of my business, but may I ask why you want to have a political view tattooed on yourself in the first place?.

Remember, it's permanent. Assuming you're presently young(teens or twenties, the age when one is more apt to exhibit poor judgment), when you make 75 years old it will look rather ridiculous.

help me design my tattoo


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